Communities must develop by themselves . dominant property should be developed vigorously and the function of all interial divisions should be discriminated to realize management and operation apart . those who take on governmental function should define expense criterion and strengthen public servant consciousness to reach a high socialization . diverse development and marketing conception are needed to those who take on operational function . also effective system and perfect mechanism are crucial to make synchronic increase on both scale and benefit 对社区内部各业务板块,要进一步分清职能,明晰费用,区别对待,逐步实现管理职能与经营职能分开;对承担政府职能的板块,要明确费用标准,增强公仆意识,使其达到相应的社会化水平;对承担经营职能的板块,要一业为主,多元发展,树立市场意识,调整体制,完善机制,努力做强做大多元经济,实现企业规模和效益的同步增长。